Wednesday 7 February 2018

Configure Logout in OAM using Rewrite Rule

  • This blog is to configure logout for an application in OAM 11g which already have a application specific logout page/url.
  • This can be achieved by rewrite rule in web server level without doing any configuration changes in the application.
  • It is required to add the RewriteRule directives to the httpd.conf file inside the virtual host that was configured to listen on mentioned .
    Similar script as below is required if configuring logout for a test application whose logout url is        likely /testapp/logout and your custom logout page is under htdocs of ohs then

     <VirtualHost *:7778>
      RewriteEngine on
     RewriteRule ^/testapp/logout$  /mycustomlogoutpage.html [R]

    E.g: Similarly if configuring logout for OIM  /identity console with DCC webgate then:

     <VirtualHost *:7777>
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteRule ^/identity/logout$  /oamsso-bin/ [R]

                                               **** Thanks for visiting ****

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